The Child in Us Hard Copy CD ( Free Shipping )



The Child In Us

By Marilyn Oakley Sifford

01. When You Imagine
02. Wind In Your Sail
03. Auroras & Rainbows
04. Matilda The Cat
05. Girl’s Best Friend
06. Whimsical Treehouse
07. Save The Elephants
08. The Power Of One
09. Life On The Farm
10. Butterfly Lullaby
11. Waltz Of The Fireflies
12. Angels
14. The Power of One (instrumental)

From the Whimsical Treehouse
“Kids have special powers that many grownups have lost”

From the Waltz of the Fireflies
” We all have light within us”

From Butterfly Lullaby
“Ride the wind, sail the breeze, with your presence bring us peace”

From When you Imagine
“Imagination gives wings to your heart, to your dreams”

From Girl’s Best Friend
“You greet me daily with all you have to give”